
Volume 11: Giant Bug Monster

Unfortunately, there will be no "giant bug monster" discussed in this post. Murata got Elder Centipede right the first time.

This volume marks the beginning of the Super Fight arc. It seems like there's some conflicting opinions on whether or not Super Fight is filler, and if it is, whether or not it's even good filler. Personally, I quite enjoy it and I think it brings some interesting world-building to the One-Punch Man table.

Chapter 57

While the citizens flee from the danger, Garou strides towards it. The change is pretty minor, but I do like how the panic in the streets is a little more crowded and Garou is caught up in it.

Volume 11

For this next one, Murata just tweaked the first panel to make Garou's distance from Metal Bat match the bottom panel. You'll notice the original's space between the two is a bit inconsistent.

Volume 11

Chapter 58

Interestingly, this next scene from Garou vs. Metal Bat was completely removed in the volume release. I guess Murata wanted Garou to not struggle against Metal Bat as much, to show off his strength? Or maybe he thought this trick was too smart of an idea for Metal Bat. Either way, y'all can stop blaming season two for shortening the fight when Murata actually shortened it first. Just saying.

They took out this scene where Metal Bat hits Garou with the manhole cover from before:



I will admit, the flow of these pages is a little weird. Plus, Garou goes from putting down the manhole cover to charging at Metal Bat like a demon with no warning. Interestingly, it looks like that scary Garou face was repurposed for Garou vs. Superalloy Darkshine later... but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Chapter 59

Here, part of the Monster Association's multi-city raid has been changed, specifically the page showing off Eyesight and Pureblood. They were each given a full page of their own, plus their designs have been slightly altered; Eyesight's outfit is a bit more modest, while Pureblood looks like less of a junkie and is striking a cool pose. The Hero Association worker is also given an extreme close-up.


Volume 11

Volume 11

Next up, Sour Face and Saitama Charanko are given a bit more life and expression during this little exchange. Nice little touch.


Volume 11

Chapter 61

You'll notice that Studless (the guy with tires on him) is turned into Saturn Man (the guy with rings around him) in this chapter. This is likely because Studless got hospitalized by Garou earlier in the story, and Murata must've forgotten at first and put him out on the battlefield by mistake. Retcons, babey! It's a change that persists throughout the entire chapter, so I'll just show it once as usual.


Volume 11

Also, Darkness Blade gets hearts in his eyes here since he's being controlled by Do-S. 


Volume 11

Oh that's right, this chapter also introduces the PG-13 queen Do-S, who Murata apparently feels the need to redraw a lot for some reason. She honestly doesn't even change that much between versions, but something must've been off to him.


Volume 11

Volume 11

And finally, during this confrontation between Saitama Charanko and Zakos, the latter gets a nice little angle change for some reason.


Volume 11

That's all for Volume 11. This one had quite a few redraws, actually, and the next one does too!

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