
Volume 7: The Fight

Volume 7 marks a turning point in One-Punch Man, I feel. Maybe it's just because it was the end of season one of the anime, or because it had one of the most epic and powerful antagonists the series has seen, but I felt like this arc was the death of the old, experimental series and the rebirth of a new, more serious and refined one. It's kind of an odd volume, if I'm being honest.

Chapter 36

So, out of the entire Saitama vs. Boros fight there's a single page changed: the big kick that sends Saitama to the moon. Do you think Saitama would've ever jumped to the moon himself, just to make a visit someday?

Volume 7

While I do like the original's idea of showing Boros' kick up close, I think the volume did it better by zooming out to show Saitama rocketing upwards. It's also got that cool corner panel where time seems to freeze as Boros grinds his knee into Saitama's chest.

Chapter 37

The volume has an extra double-page spread showing Boros' ship falling from a different angle:

Volume 7

I like this addition - just more of Murata flexing. The cinematic black bars look kinda weird in a browser, but on pages they look good, trust me.

The next scene to change kinda surprised me: Sweet Mask roasting the S-Class. I didn't think it needed a complete redraw, but apparently it did? Murata has gone on record saying he doesn't like Sweet Mask and tries to draw him better in order to get to like him - maybe it's a side-effect of that mentality.

But yeah, there's an extra two pages or so added. The dialogue has changed too, so I've included the text so you can read it if you'd like. Here's the original:


And here's the redrawn and extended volume one:

Volume 7
Volume 7
Volume 7
Volume 7
Volume 7
Volume 7

The last addition was another extra double-page spread. This one shows Metal Knight's drones cleaning up the mess caused by the attack and the crashed spacecraft, which I think was a nice touch.

Volume 7

That's it for Volume 7. Next post, we enter new territory: the Human Monster Saga! Get ready for a martial artist wolfman with scoliosis!

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